De Ville Shopping Centre
The De Ville SHOPPING CENTRE, conveniently situated on the corner of Main and Wellington Road, Durbanville, is a mixed use office and retail community centre; offering a well-balanced tenant mix and is conveniently situated “close to home”. The centre is anchored by a state of the art Virgin Active Gym; Pick ‘n Pay and Clicks Pharmacy.
Currently the centre has the following rental opportunities available
Premises Size m2 R/m² ex VAT Escalation Availability
Shop 31A 55.00 R275.00 9% Immediately
Shop 2 & 5 356.00 R170.00 9% Immediately
Shop 14 147.00 R300.00 9% June 2015
Shop 6 83.00 R300.00 9% September 2015
Please contact Quagga Agent, Ron Durbach, for more information and 083 628 2754. Or contact the Quagga Property Brokers Office on 021 7128825